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Tag Archives: Ridley Scott
Review: Prometheus (2012): You Might Just Need a Barf Bag!
The highly anticipated film Prometheus scored major bonus points with me when my pal had to leave the theater for fear of vomiting! Now, don’t let that deter you from going to see the film… (continue reading)
Posted in 1.5 kabooms
Tagged Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Prometheus, Prometheus review, Ridley Scott
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Coming Attraction: Prometheus!

Prometheus is coming! What is the secret behind Prometheus? Is it a space ship? Aliens? Some kind of sandwich? Who knows, but with sci-fi legend Ridley Scott finally making a return to a genre he helped revolutionize one things for … Continue reading
Posted in Coming Attractions
Tagged Aliens, coming attraction, Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Prometheus, Prometheus trailer, Ridley Scott
May Mega Mayhem: Alien vs. Predator!

Day #27: Alien Vs. Predator! General Thoughts: I’m not talking about the cool, new AVP game. I played the old school arcade game using a computer emulator. Yep, the one where you only have three buttons to push and only … Continue reading
Posted in video game
Tagged Action Flick Chick, Alien, Aliens, Aliens vs predator, arcade game, Arnold Schwarzenegger, computer, James Cameron, ninja cop, noob, Predator, Predators, Ridley Scott, video game, xenomorph