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Tag Archives: Mya
The Most Powerful Women on Twitter – Who’s Tops on Twitter Grader?

Twitter Grader has created a list of the 100 Most Powerful Women on Twitter – and look who’s in the top 20 as of right after midnight, August 6. Dharmesh Shah (@Dharmesh) of Twitter Grade and HubSpot told Katrina that the list is a … Continue reading →
Posted in social networks, twitter
Tagged action chick, Action Flick Chick, actionchick, actress, Alyssa Milano, Anita Campbell, Ann Handley, baseball, Beth Kanter, Boomtown, Bui Brothers, Chic Geek, Citizen Space, Coach Inc., Dallas, Dharmesh, Dharmesh Shah, editor, entrepreneur, Facebook, G4, G4TV, Gamer, geek, grader, iJustine, Jan Simpson, jansimpson, Jasmine V, Jasmine Villegas, jasminevillegas, Julia Roy, juliaroy, Just Being Me, kanter, Kara Swisher, karaswisher, Katrina Hill, Laura Fitton, Life World, Liz Strauss, lizstrauss, Lori Moreno, lorimoreno, Mari Smith, marismith, marketingprofs, missrogue, missya, Mya, new media, Next Woman of the Web, nonprofit, Operation Rescue, Pistachio, Powerful women, Sharon Hayer, sharonhayes, Shwowp, Small Business Trends, smallbiztrends, social media, Southwest Airlines, Tara Hunt, The Whuffie Factor, tweets, twitter, Twitter for @Dummies, Twitter Grader, Veronica Belmont, webcomic, writer