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Tag Archives: Kick-Ass 2
Kick-Ass 2 Red Band Trailer

Kick-Ass 2’s red band trailer has arrived, and as expected it’s full of dirty goodness. I can’t wait for this film to come out! Chloe Grace Moretz is a few years older now, so will her character’s foul mouth be … Continue reading
Posted in action, Coming Attractions, movie, trailers
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Chloe Grace Moretz, jim carrey, Kick-Ass 2, movie, red band trailer, trailer
2013’s Promising Action Movies Part 2!

In Part 1 of 2013’s Promising Action Movies, I looked at the films that would be coming out relatively soon. Now, let’s take a brief glance at some of the other awesome looking films 2013 has in store for us … Continue reading
Posted in action, Coming Attractions
Tagged 2013 films, action chick, Action Flick Chick, action movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brad Pitt, IMDB, Iron Man 3, Jim Caviezel, Kick-Ass 2, Man of Steel, Max Brooks, Oblivion, Pacific Rim, Red 2, Star Trek into Darkness, Sylvester Stallone, The Fast and the Furious 6, The Tomb, The Wolverine, Thor: The Dark World, Tom Cruise, World War Z
Ass-Kicking Action Flick Chicks of 2010! Plus YOUR 2010 Faves and 2011 Picks!

special by Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill for Newsarama: Twenty-five years ago, action movies were filled with extremely muscled good guys fighting extremely muscled bad guys in order to save their helpless wives, girlfriends, or daughters…and in some cases to save … Continue reading
Posted in Facebook, movie, twitter
Tagged action chick, Action Flick Chick, Ali Larter, Alice, Alice in Wonderland, Alice Liddell, Angelina Jolie, badass, Bellatrix, Black Widow, Catwoman, Chloe Moretz, Claire Redfield, Columbiana, Emily Browning, Evelyn Salt, Harry Potter, Harry Potter 8, Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Helen Mirren, heroines, Hit-Girl, Iron Man 2, Isabelle, Jenn, Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2, LeStrange, Luz, Machete, Mia Wasikowska, Michelle Rodriguez, Milla Jovovich, Mindy Macready, Molly Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, Newsarama, Noomi Rapace, Olivia Wilde, Power Puff Girls, Predators, Quorra, RED, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Robert Rodriguez, Salt, Scarlet Johansson, Sherlock Holmes, Sucker Punch, Sweet Pea, Tim Burton, Tron Legacy, Victoria, Voldemort, you-know-who