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Tag Archives: Hollywood
Cinemax Femme Fatales Season 2 Red Carpet

Cinemax’s Friday night darling Femme Fatales had a delightfully sexy red carpet premiere at the Arclight Theatre in Hollywood on Monday. Many of the series sensual stars were in attendance, along with show runners Mark A. Altman and Steve Kriozere. … Continue reading
Posted in interviews, TV
Tagged Alexi, Antonio Sabato Jr., Arclight Theater, Arclight Theatre, Ashley Noel, Bad Science, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Catherine Annette, Chris Mulkey, Cinemax, Cuesta Verde, empowering, empowerment, femme fatale, Femme Fatales, film noir, geek, Gun Crazy, Hollywood, Hulk, intelligence, interview, Iron Man, Jennifer Roa, justice, karma, kicking ass, killing, Lauren Bacall, Leliani Sarrell, Libra, Madison Dylan, Mark A. Altman, Mark Ruffalo, murder, naked, Nikki Griffin, Nudity, premier, Raymond Borchion, red carpet, revenge, Sadie Alexandru, Scheana Marie, sci-fi, screening, sensual, sex, sexual, SF, Sinemax, Skinemax, smart girl, softcore, Spike, Steve Kriozere, superhero, superheroine, Tiffany, Tiffany Brouwer, To Have or Have Not, Trophy Wife, violence
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Which Superhero Needs a Movie? with Green Hornet (2011) Prize Pack Giveaway!

Which superhero that has never starred in a movie would be great in one? One random respondent with a U.S. shipping address will win a fun Green Hornet prize package with all these items: * DVD of the 2011 film … Continue reading
Posted in announcement, Facebook, superhero, twitter
Tagged * Comics *, 2D, 3-D, 3D, Action Flick Chick, Alpha Flight, Amazon, Ant-Man, Aquaman, Archer & Armstrong, Arkham Asylum Doc, Battle Pope, Beast Boy, Birds of Prey, Black Beauty, Black Panther, Blue Beetle, Blue Wombat, Booster Gold, Britt Reid, Bruce Lee, Captain Action, Captain America, Captain Carrot, Captain Hindsight, Captain Marvel, Cassie Hack, Chudnofsky, Coldblood, Colleen Wing, comic book, Coon, Crazy Jane, Dark Horse, David Harbour, DC Comics, Deadpool, Deathstroke, Doctor Strange, Doom Patrol, Dr. Strange, Dynamic Duo, Ed Brubaker, Evil Ernie, femme fatale, flash, Fray, Freakazoid, Garrett, Gen13, ghost, Grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Carpet, Green Hornet and Kato, Green Hornet movie, Grendal, grr power, GTFO, Hollywood, Honkytonk Sue, Huntress, Iron Fist, Jay Chou, Johnny Depp, Kato, Knight shade, Lady Death, Luke Cage, Magnus: Robot Fighter, Marvel Comics, Matt Fraction, Matt Wagner, Misty Knight, Moon Knight, Movies, Mythbusters, Namor, Nextwave, Nick Fury, Phantom Stranger, Planetary, premiere, Ray Park, red carpet, Robert Kirkman, Runaways, Ryan Reynolds, Scanlon, Seth Rogen, Shadowhawk, Spider-Woman, Static, Sub-Mariner, superhero, superheroes, superheroine, The Authority, The Green Hornet, The Tick, TV show, Umbrella Academy, Warlord, Zatanna, Zatara, Zoo Crew
Adam West – Hollywood Star! Adam West Belongs on the Walk of Fame

With a lot of help from friends and some hard work, our video about Adam West is here! The Hollywood icon, Adam West, does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Ridiculous, right? You might know him … Continue reading
Posted in Action Chick TV, announcement, interviews, superhero, YouTube
Tagged Action Flick Chick, Adam West, Adam West Bomb, Batman, bomb, Carrot Top, Doug Benson, Family Guy, Hollywood, Hollywood Walk of Fame, James Tooley, Kickstarter, Mayor West, Nina West, Ray Griggs, Ron Jeremy, Stan Lee, SuperCapers
Interview: Get Adam West (Batman, The Family Guy) His Hollywood Walk of Fame Star!

Adam West – Batman, The Family Guy‘s Mayor West, and my first contest judge – doesn’t have a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?! Looking into that this weekend, I discovered the Kickstarter campaign to support the completion of … Continue reading
Posted in interviews
Tagged Adam West, Batman, behind the scenes, Bruce Wayne, Chamber of Commerce, Chromatic Films, Conan O'Brien, Hollywood, Hollywood Walk of Fame, interview, James Tooley, Joe Schmo, Kevin and Bean, Kickstarter, KROQ, Mayor Adam West, Mayor West, Nina West Tooley, Perrin West, production stills, Ralph Garman, Seth MacFarlane, Star, Super Capers, SuperCapers, superpower, The Family Guy, The Joe Schmo Shoe, voiceover, voicework
Whose Walk of Fame Star Do YOU Want?

Action Flick Chick: If you got ONE replica of a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, whose would you want? Answers from twitter and Facebook: katydarkangel: Norman Reedus:) KoValik317: how is this even a question!? I am 99% sure all of … Continue reading
Posted in Facebook, TV, twitter
Tagged Adam West, Alfred Hitchcock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Audrey Hepburn, Batman, Beatles, Bela Lugosi, Betty White, Billy Wilder, Bruno Mattei, Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood, Colin Firth, frank sinatra, Gene Kelly, Godzilla, Governator, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Hollywood, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Humphrey Bogart, Indiana Jones, Jim Henson, Jimmy Stewart, John Lennon, John Wayne, Kate Mulgrew, Kermit the Frog, Los Angeles, Mr. Darcy, Nic Cage, Nicolas Cage, Norman Reedus, petition, Pride and Prejudice, Saturday Night Live, Sigourney Weaver, Spider-Man, Stan Laurel, The Fugitive, Three Stooges, Vince McMahon
Coming Attraction: The Green Hornet

Soon the wait will be over for the superhero film, The Green Hornet. Seth Rogan is Britt Reid, a spoiled rich boy who decides to finally do something with his life after his father dies. So what does he do? … Continue reading