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Tag Archives: G4
GeekNation Comic-Con Video: Oh, You Sexy Geek! Oh, the Notoriety!

Our great friends at GeekNation.com, a site you’ll learn so very much about during the upcoming months, have posted 20 minutes of excerpts and post-panel interviews from the Action Flick Chick and friends’ increasingly famous and sometimes infamous San Diego … Continue reading →
Posted in convention
Tagged #FFF, Achievements Unlocked, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Adri, Adrianne Curry, Alyssa Campanella, America’s Next Top Model, AOTS, Attack of the Show!, author, Blazin Hot, Bonnie Burton, Boobgate, BtVS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chris Gore, Clare Grant, Clare Kramer, CLARE-ified, Comic-Con, Comics Beat, cosplay, coverage, Defective Geeks, Fake Fangirl Friday, fanboys, fangirls, Feminist Fatale, FilmDrunk, G33k & G4m3r Girls, G4, G4TV, G4TV’s Next Woman of the Web, geek cred, Geek Girls Network, geek market, geekboys, GeekGirlCon, geekgirls, GeekNation, geeks, Geeky Pleasures, gender issues, GGN, Girls Against Girls, Glory, Glory Glorificus, Grrl.com, Has Boobs Reads Comics, Hey That's My Cape, iFanboy, Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors, Jabba the Hutt, Jennifer K. Stuller, Jill Pantozzi, Katrina Hill, Kiala Kazebee, Mining the Nooks, Miss USA, MTV.com, MTVGeek, music, nerd, nerdiness, Nerdist.com, nerds, Nerds in Babeland, nerdy, Nerdy Bird, Newsarama, Next Woman of the Web, Oh, Oh You Sexy Geek, pandering, Parenting Weekly, penis, Playboy, Possible Impossibilities, Re-Orientation, Revenge of the Fans, Robot Chicken, San Diego Comic Con recap, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, sex, sex appeal, sexiness, sexy, sfx, Slave Leia, Style Network, Team Unicorn, The Tester, Tor, video, you sexy geek
#FFF Fake Fangirl Friday Follow-Up: Oh, You Sexy Geek! San Diego Comic-Con Panel Reactions and Controversies

Our heroine’s “Oh, You Sexy Geek!” panel at San Diego Comic-Con was a big hit – and a big controversy, but that comes as no surprise. There was NO way for this topic to make everybody happy. None. Here are … Continue reading →
Posted in convention, twitter
Tagged #FFF, Achievements Unlocked, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Adri, Adrianne Curry, Alyssa Campanella, America’s Next Top Model, AOTS, Attack of the Show!, author, Blazin Hot, Bonnie Burton, Boobgate, BtVS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chris Gore, Clare Grant, Clare Kramer, CLARE-ified, Comic-Con, Comics Beat, cosplay, coverage, Defective Geeks, Fake Fangirl Friday, fanboys, fangirls, Feminist Fatale, FilmDrunk, G33k & G4m3r Girls, G4, G4TV, G4TV’s Next Woman of the Web, geek cred, Geek Girls Network, geek market, geekboys, GeekGirlCon, geekgirls, GeekNation, geeks, gender issues, GGN, Girls Against Girls, Glory, Glory Glorificus, Grrl.com, Has Boobs Reads Comics, Hey That's My Cape, iFanboy, Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors, Jabba the Hutt, Jennifer K. Stuller, Jill Pantozzi, Katrina Hill, Kiala Kazebee, Mining the Nooks, Miss USA, MTV.com, MTVGeek, music, nerd, nerdiness, Nerdist.com, nerds, nerdy, Nerdy Bird, Newsarama, Next Woman of the Web, Oh, pandering, Playboy, Possible Impossibilities, Re-Orientation, Revenge of the Fans, San Diego Comic Con recap, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, sex, sex appeal, sexiness, sexy, sfx, Slave Leia, Style Network, Team Unicorn, The Tester, Tor, video, you sexy geek
Final #FFF Fake Fangirl Friday: What ARE the Issues? Leias, Boobs, Thrones, and Gore!

Next Thursday, our “Oh, You Sexy Geek!” panel opens Comic-Con. Yeah, yeah, there are these “Ringer” and “Twilight” and other things that morning too, but I’m not in those. Does displaying the sexiness of fangirls benefit or demean them? When … Continue reading →
Posted in convention
Tagged #FFF, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Adrianne Curry, Alyssa Campanella, America's Next Top Model, Bonnie Burton, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chris Gore, Clare Kramer, Comic-Con, cosplay, Fake Fangirl Friday, G4, G4TV, GeekGirlCon, GeekNation, geeks, gender issues, Grrl.com, Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors, Jennifer K. Stuller, Jill Pantozzi, Katrina Hill, Kiala Kazebee, Miss USA, Nerdist.com, nerds, Nerdy Bird, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, Slave Leia, Style Network, Team Unicorn
Nerd Torture: Which TV Network Hates You Most?

And which Star Wars actor wants to study their evil ways? I asked twitpals which TV network is meanest to nerds. Today at MTV Geek, I take a good look at the specific network which more of you picked than … Continue reading →
Posted in Facebook, TV, twitter
Tagged A Clockwork Orange, ABC, Adrianne Curry, Amazing Spider-Man #545, America's Next Top Model, Arrested Development, Battlestar Galactica, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, Bones, Brand New Day, carbonite, CBS, computer, Daniel Logan, Dark Angel, Dollhouse, E!, Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, ESPN, fanboys, fangirls, Firefly, Fox, Fox News, Futurama, G4, G4TV, gamers, geek chicks, geeks, genre, Jar Jar Binks, Jeremy Bulloch, Jillian Michaels, Joss Whedon, Law and Order, Life Day, Lifetime, Marvel Comics, MTV, MTV.com, NBC, nerds, Olivia Munn, PBS, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Serenity, Seth MacFarlane, Star Wars, Stars Wars: The Clone Wars, stereotype, Syfy, Talk Soup, The Event, The Simpsons, The Tester, The Tick, torture, Tru Calling, Undeclared, wedgie, wedgies
How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse During the Holidays

Our friends in Team Unicorn have released their follow-up to their viral music video “G33K & G4M3R Girls” (“Geek and Gamer Girls”) by showing how to handle a zombie outbreak in the holiday season with “A Very Zombie Holiday (Instructional … Continue reading →
Posted in comedy, YouTube
Tagged A Very Zombie Holiday, AOTS, Apocalypse, Attack of the Show!, baking, carolers, carollers, Christmas, Christmas carol, Christmas Eve, Clare Grant, comedy, Danger Maiden Productions, G33k & G4m3r Girls, G4, G4TV, Geek and Gamer Girls, Geek and Gamer Girls Song, holiday season, holidays, How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse During the Holidays, humor, instructional video, machine gune, Michele Boyd, Milynn Sarley, New Year's, parody, pies, Rileah Vanderbilt, Seth Green, spoof, survival horror, Team Unicorn, Thanksgiving, The Walkind Dead, turkey, Uzi, video, YouTube, zombie, zombie apocalypse, Zombie Fighting 101, zombie outbreak, zombies
G4TV’s Attack of the Show! The Suspense Ends

“One week from today – that is Monday, December 6th – right here on this show, we will be making a very, very, very big AOTS announcement… It’s huge. In fact, it’s so big we actually aren’t even on the … Continue reading →
Posted in TV
Tagged 1000th episode, Adam Sessler, Alessandra Toresani, Alison Haislip, Allison Haislip, AOTS, Attack of the Show!, Baby, blond, blonde, brunette, cancellation, cancelled, Candace Bailey, Carrie Keagan, centerfold, co-host, cohost, Comic-Con, Comic-Con International, content, correspondent, coverage, Dallas Comic-Con, DirecTV, Facebook, fan forum, Feed Reader, G4, G4TV, Gamer Chick, hair color, host, IGN, IGN.com, interview, it's Candace Bailey, Jessica Chobo, Jessica Chobot, Kevin Pereira, Kristen Adams, Kristin Adams, Lucy Romberg, merge, merger, merging, Milynn Sarley, Monday, Morgan Webb, Munnday, NBC, newcomer, Next Woman of the Web, Ninja Warrior, No Good TV, Olivia Munn, Perfect Couples, Playboy, Playmate, Playmate of the Year, redhead, San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con International, Sara Jean Underwood, Sarah Jean Underwood, SDCC, sitcom, situation comedy, stuntwoman, Team Hellions, Team Unicorn, The Daily Show, The Feed, The Gamer Chick, Tiny Morgan, twitter, unknown, Viewer Army, Vinny Rutherford, Webbsday, Women of the Web, Women of the Web 2, WotW, X-Play
Interview: Milynn Sarley the Gamer Chick (Team Unicorn, Attack of the Show!)

In September, Milynn Sarley and her fellow Team Unicorn members Michele Boyd, Clare Grant, and Rileah Vanderbilt and I discussed their “G33k & G4m3r Girls” video (a.k.a. the “Geek and Gamer Girls Song”) which they had just released on Break.com and which … Continue reading →
Posted in interviews, TV
Tagged AOTS, Attack of the Show!, Audition, basic cable, Batman Begins, cable, Carrie Keagan, channel, co-host, Comedy Central, Dallas Comic-Con, Danger Maiden, DirecTV, drama, entertainment news, fake news, fart, G33k & G4m3r Girls, G4, G4TV, Gamer, Gamer Chick, geek, Geek and Gamer Girls Song, guest host, host, IGN, interview, Jessica Chobot, Kevin Pereira, killing, Leigh, live TV, Los Angeles, Milynn Sarley, NBC, nerd, New York, news, Next Woman of the Web, No Good TV, Olivia Munn, Perfect Couples, Santa expletives, Seth Green, studio, Team Unicorn, television, The Daily Show, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Feed, The Walking Dead, TV, viral video, Women of the Web, Xbox Live, zombie, zombies cybors
Nerds in Babeland Interview with the Birthday Chick

For my birthday yesterday, the website Nerds in Babeland posted an interview with yours truly, the Action Flick Chick. NiBL: For the uninitiated, how did you first get into the blog world? AFC: It’s all about Rambo, baby! After watching the amazing … Continue reading →
Posted in Facebook, interviews, twitter
Tagged 3-D, Alone in a Crowd, Angelina Jolie, Baroness, birthday, Black Lightning, Blade, Bonnie Burton, Bui Brothers, Comic-Con, Die Hard 3, Die Hard video games, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Elmo, Facebook, G4, G4TV, Geek Girls, Geek Girls Tweet Up, interview, John Rambo, Kristin Rielly, Milla Jovovich, Molly McIsaac, nerd girls, Nerds in Babeland, New York Comic-Con, Next Woman of the Web, NYCC, origin, Rambo, Rambo IV, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, Sean Patrick Flanery, Snuggie, Travis Oscarson, twitter, Wendy Shepherd, Women of the Web