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Tag Archives: dice
Dead Rising 2 Giveaway Update: What Do YOU Want to Kill Zombies With?

The video game Dead Rising 2 comes out on September 28 and Capcom’s letting me give a copy away. Enter any time before that date. See “Video Game Giveaway: Capcom’s Dead Rising 2” for details on how to enter and how … Continue reading
Posted in announcement, video game
Tagged 2-player co-op, 3D, admission ticket, Alice, blood, Breathers, bubble wrap, Burt the Zombie, C4, Capcom, casino, Chuck, Chuck Norris, combo cards, combo weapons, comedy, Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2, Dead Rising 2 High Stakes Edition, dice, DR2, duct tape, explosion, Facebook, firecracker, Focus, Fortune City, Frank, free, freebie, Gamer, gaming, giveaway, Golden Ticket, guts, helicopter, High Stakes Edition, Hocus Pocus, horror, humor, iPad, Kevlar, L4D2, Left 4 Dead 2, lightsaber, mall, Mariah Carey, massacre, Mega buster, Mega Man, Monty Python, multiplayer, nuclear bomb, peanut butter, Plants vs. zombies, Playstation 3, poker chips, Prestige Points, prize, PS3, Psycho, rat bombs, rated M, RC car, Resident Evil, Resident Evil: Afterlife, review copy, robot, sonic screwdriver, swag, T-Rex, tag team, terror, Terror Is Reality, turkey baster, twitter, Versus, video game, videogame, violence, vs. mode, Wanted, Wii remote, Wiimote, X-men, Xbox, Xbox 360, zombie apocalypse, zombie outbreak, zombies, Zombzilla