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Tag Archives: C3PO
Which Star Wars Film Makes the Best Action Movie? (thanks to David Reddick, Nathan Hamill, and all who took part)

Not so long ago in a twitpic not too far away, Nathan Hamill introduced the first of several Star Wars/Action Flick Chick mash-ups. When @ActionChick commented on a different pic he’d put together (see “J2-H2”) featuring a droid-headed Jabba the Hut and Princess … Continue reading →
Posted in science fiction, The Action Chick comic, twitter
Tagged A New Hope, action chick, action movie, Anakin Skywalker, Attack of the Clones, BAMF, Battle for Endor, Ben Kenobi, brass bikini, brass bra, C3PO, Callous Comics, cartoon, cigar, clones, comic, cosplay, Count Dooku, Darth Vader, David Reddick, Drew Barrymore, duel, Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, Jabba the Hut, Jedi, Jedi Knights, Kashyyk, Leia Organa, lightsabre, Nathan Hamill, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Order 66, original trilogy, Padme, PhotoShop, Princess Leia, R2-D2, Rancor, Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith, Rocket Llama, Sith, sketchbook, Slave Leia, Star Wars, superhero, suspense, Teek, The Apple of Discord, The Empire Strikes Back, The Legend of Bill, The Phantom Menace, violence, webcomic, webcomics, Yoda