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Tag Archives: 3D
AFC Classic: Any Movie Can Be Improved by Adding…?
Posted in Facebook, movie, social networks, twitter
Tagged #ff, 3-D, 3D, action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, and violence, bacon, Bill Murray, bitch, Boobies, boobs, breasts, Bruce Campbell, Bruce Willis, Carl Weathers, Celtic, chicks, Christopher Eccleston, Chuck Norris, Cindy Morgan, Clive Owen, cookies, cupcake, cyborg, Cylons, Cynthia Rothrock, Danny Trejo, David Tennant, E!, Emily Mortimer, Facebook, Felicia Day, fourth wall, Gigli, gratuitous se, Halloween, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Hit-Girl, hot chicks, I have a very long list. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Ishtar, Jack Nance, James Horner, Jean-Claude Van Damme, John Cusack, Katrina Hill, Kevin Bacon, Kick-Ass, Klingons, Kurt Russell, Mel Gibson, monkey, more cowbell, Morgan Freeman, MST3K, Nathan Fillion, Nazi, Nazi zombies, Ninja, ninjas, Nudity, Patricia Clarkson, pirates, plosions, RED, Scream, se, Second Amendment, Shaffer cheese, Space, Steven Seagal, suspense, talent, Thin Red Line, Thomas Jane, Tim Thomerson, Tom Jane, twitter, unicorns, vaginas, violence, Wilhelmm, zombies
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The Phantom Menace 3D: A Great Action Flick (Guest Writer)

This weekend Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill posed a question on Twitter: “What is it that makes sci-fi action movies so kickass?” My answer was, “the imagination has no limits.” This is exactly the reason Star Wars: Episode I: The … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, Guest Writer, science fiction
Tagged 3-D, 3D, Battle for Naboo, Celebration VI, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, Disneyland, Episode I, episode one, Fangirl Blog, George Lucas, Hollywood Studios, Jedi, lightsaber, lightsabre, Luke Skywalker, Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, original trilogy, prequel, Qui-Gon Jinn, Sith, Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, The Phantom Menace, Yoda
Coming Attraction: John Carter (2012)!

Walt Disney Pictures presents John Carter, a film based on a book, “A Princess of Mars,” by Edgar “Tarzan the monkey-man” Rice Burroughs. A civil war vet, John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), is transplanted to Mars where he finds himself in … Continue reading
Coming Attraction: Underworld Awakening (2012)!

Kate Beckinsale returns as the bad ass vampire Selene in Underworld Awakening. In this fourth installment of the series, the humans are trying to eliminate the Lycans and the vampires, forcing the two species to fight back and avoid extinction. … Continue reading
Posted in 3-D, action, Coming Attractions, movie, trailers
Tagged 3D, action, Action Flick Chick, coming attraction, Kate Beckinsale, Underworld Awakening
Thor (2011): Will You Be Thunderstruck?

Thor is one film where I will complain that the lead guy did not spend enough time with his shirt off! I usually don’t fawn over the handsome men in films (unless it’s 300 or Jason Statham), but holy pepperoni … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 4 kabooms, action, movie, PG-13, superhero
Tagged 300, 3D, action, Action Flick Chick, Anthony Hopkins, Asgard, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Hemsworth shirtless, Earth, Frost Giants, God of Thunder, Jaimie Alexander, Jane Foster, Jason Statham, Kat Dennings, Loki, Marvel Studios, Mary Jane, Mjolnir, Natalie Portman, odin, Rocket Llama, Sif, Spoilers, superhero, Thor, Tom Hiddleston
Coming Attraction: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)!

Marvel is dominating this summer with several superhero flicks. Captain America: The First Avenger is one of these much anticipated Marvel films. Chris Evans portrays Steve Rogers, a shrimp of a man who is considered too weak to fight during … Continue reading
Posted in action, Coming Attractions, movie, superhero, trailers
Tagged 3D, action, Action Flick Chick, Captain America: The First Avenger, Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Marvel, Red Skull, Steve Rogers, superhero, World War II
Which Superhero Needs a Movie? with Green Hornet (2011) Prize Pack Giveaway!

Which superhero that has never starred in a movie would be great in one? One random respondent with a U.S. shipping address will win a fun Green Hornet prize package with all these items: * DVD of the 2011 film … Continue reading
Posted in announcement, Facebook, superhero, twitter
Tagged * Comics *, 2D, 3-D, 3D, Action Flick Chick, Alpha Flight, Amazon, Ant-Man, Aquaman, Archer & Armstrong, Arkham Asylum Doc, Battle Pope, Beast Boy, Birds of Prey, Black Beauty, Black Panther, Blue Beetle, Blue Wombat, Booster Gold, Britt Reid, Bruce Lee, Captain Action, Captain America, Captain Carrot, Captain Hindsight, Captain Marvel, Cassie Hack, Chudnofsky, Coldblood, Colleen Wing, comic book, Coon, Crazy Jane, Dark Horse, David Harbour, DC Comics, Deadpool, Deathstroke, Doctor Strange, Doom Patrol, Dr. Strange, Dynamic Duo, Ed Brubaker, Evil Ernie, femme fatale, flash, Fray, Freakazoid, Garrett, Gen13, ghost, Grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Carpet, Green Hornet and Kato, Green Hornet movie, Grendal, grr power, GTFO, Hollywood, Honkytonk Sue, Huntress, Iron Fist, Jay Chou, Johnny Depp, Kato, Knight shade, Lady Death, Luke Cage, Magnus: Robot Fighter, Marvel Comics, Matt Fraction, Matt Wagner, Misty Knight, Moon Knight, Movies, Mythbusters, Namor, Nextwave, Nick Fury, Phantom Stranger, Planetary, premiere, Ray Park, red carpet, Robert Kirkman, Runaways, Ryan Reynolds, Scanlon, Seth Rogen, Shadowhawk, Spider-Woman, Static, Sub-Mariner, superhero, superheroes, superheroine, The Authority, The Green Hornet, The Tick, TV show, Umbrella Academy, Warlord, Zatanna, Zatara, Zoo Crew
Coming Attractions: Sanctum (2011)

James Cameron’s Sanctum: Making people with claustrophophia freak out for an hour and a half! This film is set in an underwater cave, which is pretty much as remote as it gets. A group of explorers decide it’s time to … Continue reading
Posted in Coming Attractions, YouTube
Tagged 2-D, 2D, 3-D, 3D, Alice Parkinson, cave, claustrophobia, coming attraction, Ioan Grufford, James Camerson, preview, Richard Roxburgh, Sanctum, trailer, underground, YouTube