The Walking Dead 5-2 & 5-3: Cannibal Holocaust, But in a Good Way

After such an epically amazing first episode of The Walking Dead’s season five, I’ll admit I was afraid the next several would slow down and suck by comparison. I’m happy to announce that I was wrong; episode three, “Four Walls and a Roof,” gets shit done! Let’s check in with Dale to see what he thinks.

Thanks, Action Chick. Listen, do you know anything about bears? I keep seeing one lurking around in the woods. He doesn’t seem aggressive, but he’s got on a chewed-up sun hat and I think he’s carrying around a copy of Sense and Sensibility. It’s a mite strange, if you ask me.

Action Chick, I’ve been thinking about the walkers a lot lately, and about what a terrible end it would be to have someone just… tear into you like that. To have someone ripping you to bits and eating you? Sounds like an awful fate to me. I sure am glad I’ve never had to go through anything like that.

The Shane Face

Dale, ah think you’re still in denial about where we are, man.

Thanks, Action Chick. Listen, do you know anything about bears? I keep seeing one lurking around in the woods. He doesn’t seem aggressive, but he’s got on a chewed-up sun hat and I think he’s carrying around a copy of Sense and Sensibility. It’s a mite strange, if you ask me.


Thanks, Dale. Now, on to the recap. Beware spoilers below.

Previously, on The Walking Dead, Bob accidentally got to second base with a zombie and started acting all weird afterwards. Based on how upset Bob was, and the melancholy way he kissed Sasha, it was pretty clear he’d been bitten, and soon it would be bye-bye Bobby boy. Turns out Bob should have been more worried about the Terminus cannibals than the bite, because those loony toons caught him and had themselves a nice Bob’s Leg BBQ. Once Bob realizes they intend to eat all of him little by little, he laughs hysterically and shows them his fancy bite wound. You can’t help but feel sorry for good ol’ Bobby boy. I didn’t even like him all that much, but damn I’m sad he’s getting the comic book Dale treatment (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you don’t need to know). He was definitely one of the more cheerful, haven’t-gone-off-the-deep-end-yet members of Rick’s Rebels.

Alas, poor Bob. We knew him well.

Alas, poor Bob. We knew him well.

Seeing Bob’s fancy bite wound makes the cannibals regret their stolen merchandise and immediately return him Rick’s Rebels. And then- this is where I got both excited and confused- we see a large “A” written in blood on the side of the church. My first thought is that “A” from Pretty Little Liars has arrived and is about to cause a lot of havoc, which really got me excited. But…this is The Walking Dead. So what’s up with the “A?” Did I miss something?

Anywho, Bob gets to die with dignity, with the people he loves and without losing any other body parts. I was really afraid we’d have to watch Bob suffer for several episodes, and I couldn’t be happier that we didn’t. It’s sad he died, but at least he got to be with Rick’s Rebels in (mostly) one piece instead of getting barbecued a piece at a time.


So, after some heartfelt goodbyes with Bob, Rick gathers up his best warriors and set out to make the cannibals pay. As soon as they leave, the cannibals come traipsing out of the woods and into the church, and I smiled and clapped my hands like a child who just got peek-a-booed. Rick’s Rebels have gotten savvy in their experience, and laid out a trap most deadly for the Terminus Cannibal Crews. When Rick’s Rebels go to town beating the cannibals to death, there’s such a mix of satisfaction and horror to everything. On the one hand, it’s great to see bad guys get what they deserve. On the other hand, Rick’s Rebels were seriously dipping into the dark side, and it got scary Rick and company didn’t just shoot the cannibals and be done with it, they bashed in their skulls with guns and sliced ‘em up with machetes. That’s brutal, man!

Oh, and Tyreese didn’t kill that jerk in the first episode, which I think we all suspected, but, man is he dead now. Wooo! In the end, it’s very nice to know Rick took care of those cannibals and fulfilled his promise from the first episode. Sheriff Grimes is, first and foremost, a man of his word.

After the carnage is over, Michonne finds her sword on one of the bodies, so yay! She can start slicing up some zom sandwiches again. And then, at the very end of the episode, Daryl emerged from the woods, calling for someone else to come out. But who?! We’ll have to wait until next week to find out, but I can’t help but hope it’s Carol with Beth, and maybe even a few fresh faces. Since Glenn, Maggie, and the Brain-Mullet crew took off for Washington, Rick’s Rebels are a little low on numbers and red shirts.

Overall, this was definitely another great episode of The Walking Dead; Keep them coming AMC!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Dale’s Deeds written by Alex Langley


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Vampires Who Suck: Lamest Movie Vampires!

In honor of Halloween, here’s a list of some of the worst bloodsucking undead ever to grace the silver screen!

You see, not all vampires were created equal. Some are magnificent creatures of the night; evil, sinister things that often serve as metaphors for our basest desires. Some are badass, self-loathing, vampire-hunting vampires (or half-vampires, in the case of Vampire Hunter D and Blade). Of all the undead in popular culture, no single entity is as well known as Dracula himself. As the progenitor of the modern vampire he’s (usually) more in the magnificent and evil category, though he does occasionally dabble in heroics depending on who’s writing him, which is why he makes for such an interesting lead character on NBC’s Dracula. But not every pop culture vamp is lucky enough to be a Dracula, or even a Blade, or even an Amilyn, Paul Reubens’ whiny bloodsucking character from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. No, there are a few unfortunate vamps who aren’t the least bit cool, and who you feel kind of sorry for due to their overwhelming lameness. Sure, they may be vampires, but there’s no excuse for these vampires to suck so hard.

Peter Loew
Vampire’s Kiss


Okay, technically this idiot probably isn’t even a vampire, but he thinks he is, so he merits inclusion on this list. He certainly lacks the mystique and power of his contemporaries, but what he lacks in supernatural abilities he makes up for in Nicolas Cage scenery-chewing powers. Nick Cage oft hams it up in his roles, which is part of why we love the guy so much, and Vampire’s Kiss may be the hammiest role he’s ever had.

Evil Ed
Fright Night

Poor Evil Ed. You knew there were vampires nearby, and you tried to warn everyone. Did they listen? Not until it was too late, and you’d become that which you hated most. Fortunately, you’re also an extraordinarily incompetent vampire— getting staked before you can ever do any real damage.

Vampire Coolio
Dracula 3000


Specialist 187, a.k.a Coolio, is actually pretty effective as a minion of the reawakened Dracula. However, it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s freaking Coolio. How the hell are we supposed to take anything seriously when the same guy who did “Gangsta’s Paradise” is charging around with a set of plastic fangs hanging out of his mouth? Also, he doesn’t even get to die with class via stake/decapitation/fire/Pauly Shore movie. No, Vampire Coolio gets dusted by a flipping pool cue, which is only a step above getting killed by a pair of chopsticks.

Lost Boys


Marko merits inclusion on this list simply because of his oh-so ridiculous clothing, and the fact that he’s the first of the Lost Boys gang to bite the dust, so to speak, which makes him the most incompetent.

Edward Cullen
The Twilight Saga


Was there ever any doubt that Edward Cullen would top this list? Of all the tortured, whiny, wish-I-didn’t-have-to-drink-blood-to-survive vampire to ever grace popular culture, he’s the friggin’ worst, and for far too many reasons to list here, so I’ll just hit a couple of the high points of his lowness. This mind-reading, super-strong, super-fast, nigh-indestructible vamp has all of eternity to do what he pleases, and what does he do? Go to high school. Over. And over. And over. Of all the things you could do with eternity, that’s probably the least productive thing you could be doing. And that’s not even getting into his weird, stalkery, very bossy relationship he has with the limp-wristed Bella Swan, a moron girl who got a crush on the coolest dude in her school, then married him and got knocked up with his demonic hellseed before she’d even hit twenty. Nah, that’s cool. It’s not like Bella might’ve wanted to see what was out there, or experience the world. Nope, she just needs to experience what Edward tells her to experience.

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AFC Classic: Must Watch Movies from the ’80s: Lethal Weapon (1987)

A movie always gets bonus points when the first scene has a naked lady and then shortly after that you see a young Mel Gibson’s naked rear. Add a name like Lethal Weapon, a kickass costar like Danny Glover, and lines like “I’m too old for this sh**,” and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a Must Watch ‘80s classic! The popularity of Lethal Weapon helped bring on a slew of buddy cop films, all filled to the brim with action and one-liners, and for that, this chick is forever grateful.

Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) is a young police officer on the brink of suicide since his wife was killed in a car accident. Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) is a straight-laced police officer just celebrating his 50th birthday with his lovely family. These two are forced to become partners despite their differences and go out to bust some drug dealing baddies.

I love Lethal Weapon! The last third of this film is great action sequences including car chases, fist fights, explosions, and gun fights! Not to mention that Mel Gibson is super ripped and not afraid to show it. Mama likie! His character is also completely off-the-wal crazy… so that’s no different from his real life, but it does make for a fun movie.

If you’re an aspiring drug dealer, one thing that you should learn from Lethal Weapon is to never utter the phrase “They can’t kill me- they need me.” That sentence is a freakin’ death wish! Also, another thing to learn is not to be a drug dealer, because those guys are jerks, and because Riggs and Murtaugh will bust your ass!


Time Until Action Starts: ~ 13 minutes

Baddies: Peter McAllister (Mitchell Ryan), the former commander of Shadow Company, and his chief enforcer, Mr. Joshua (Gary Busey).

Best Kill: Riggs is getting shocked and tortured by the baddies to try to get information out of him. His arms are tied to a hook above his head. The baddies walks up to him to shock him one more time when Riggs grabs his neck with his legs and chokes him to death. Yay for strong core abdominal muscles! Billy Blanks would be proud!

Best Explosion: I love how when a building explodes in an action movie the main characters are usually right in front of the building either about to go in or just coming out. They’re never picking up their dry cleaning or just at home on their day off. Oh well, that’s why it’s a movie! Anyways, Murtaugh and Riggs are about to walk into a prostitutes house to “question” her when it explodes into a nice big fireball. Don’t worry. Our heroes are untouched even though they were 5 feet in front of the blast.

Action Rating: 3 ½ Hollow-point Bullets, out of 5!

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The Walking Dead 5-1: Sanctuary My Ass


Beware spoilers below!

Sanctuary is a big fat lie! In the world of The Walking Dead, there is no sanctuary and Rick’s Rebels know this. The season five premiere, “No Sanctuary,” scratches that nasty itch we’ve all felt since the group was taken hostage in the season four finale, and gives us the most satisfying episode of the show to date. The Terminus plot line receives a heavy termination on this outing, and I couldn’t be happier about it.

Before we dive into the recap, let’s check in with Dale over at the RV.

Thanks, Action Chick. Listen, do you know anything about bears? I keep seeing one lurking around in the woods. He doesn’t seem aggressive, but he’s got on a chewed-up sun hat and I think he’s carrying around a copy of Sense and Sensibility. It’s a mite strange, if you ask me.

Thanks, Action Chick. Listen, do you know anything about bears? I keep seeing one lurking around in the woods. He doesn’t seem aggressive, but he’s got on a chewed-up sun hat and I think he’s carrying around a copy of Sense and Sensibility. It’s a mite strange, if you ask me.


Thanks, Dale. Now, onward, to the recap!


Jesus! The suspense and the action come out in full swing, here, with a scene I love, love, love— Rick’s Rebels creating weapons out of zippers, belts, and God knows what else they can find. These cats could probably make a weapon out of hair. That scene gives proof as to why this group has made it to season five…they’re survivors!

Later, we get a grotesque scene in a slaughtering room where the cannibals very casually knock out and slit the throats of some hapless people, all while keeping a very “just doing my job” attitude that was seriously chilling. The imagery of the blood squirting into the trough along with the skinned, body parts hanging from hooks later in the episode is shocking, gross, and awesome.


All in all, this episode was about Rick’s Rebels getting the hell out of Terminus, showing how right Rick was when he said they were “screwing with the wrong people,” and giving us a fascinating look at what a well-oiled machine Rick’s Rebels have become. They move as one, attacking, dodging, dipping, diving, and dodging everything that comes their way.

“No Sanctuary” is probably as upbeat of an episode of The Walking Dead as you’ll ever get. The good guys all make it out alive, the bad guys get some serious comeuppance, and we get to see everyone get reunited— Carol’s crew finally catches up with Rick and company, so he gets to see that baby Judith made it after all. Yay! Roll credits now so we don’t have to see what terrible tragedies await Rick’s Rebels in the episodes ahead.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Dale’s Deeds written by Alex Langley.

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AFC Classic: Roger Corman’s Piranhaconda- Craptastically Amazing!


It seems like only Roger Corman and Syfy could come up with something as ridiculous as Piranhaconda and make it so craptastically amazing! Imagine the teeth of a piranha added to the body of an insanely large anaconda (yes, large even for an anaconda). Throw in the horrible special effects Syfy original movies for which are famous and you’ve got Piranhaconda, a film determined to make you have a good time rolling in the floor laughing.


I would usually explain the plot of the film here, but it’s Piranhaconda. The title tells you all you need to know. If you somehow feel like you need to know more anyway, this ought to do it: It’s a Syfy original film where a big piranhaconda goes around eating people. The end.

I have been truly blessed in that I received a screener copy of the film and, lo and behold, not all of the special effects had been added yet. Watching Piranhaconda without special effects is freakin’ hilarious, as I’m sure it will be with the effects as well. It’s like watching an insane psychological film: You see people freaking out, running, and flailing at something, but when the view shifts to what they’re looking at/fighting, there’s nothing there! It’s up to you and your imagination to fill in the blank spots. Now I have to watch the film when it airs just to confirm what the hell is supposed to be happening! Don’t worry, I’m sure all the SFX will be in place by the time it airs on TV so you’ll get to see every fake blood squirt, splat, and body parts flying around.


Not all Syfy original films are winners, but Piranhaconda is. The threadbare plot, corny acting, and beautiful monster come together nicely to form an entertaining crapfest. It’s full of cheesy fun best shared with friends. Hopefully we’ll see a sequel in the future… maybe a Boacuda?

This is the Action Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Facebook:Action Flick Chick

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AFC Classic: Which Killer Robots Do YOU Want to See Throw Down?

The Science Channel’ss Killer Robots hosted by MythBusters‘ Grant Imahara, inspired me to ask the important questions, namely:
ActionChick: Which robots would you like to see fight each other?
cybeam1: @Shadowbat @ActionChick Twiki!!!
David_Hahn: David from A.I. up against a Matrix sentinal. #rockemsockemrobots
edibleeats: hmm johnny 5 against Artoo.
GeekWingNet: Mecha-Godzilla VS Johnny 5

@LloydKaufman: “Jonas Brothers Robot vs Beiberbot!”

jayeofmanyhats: I wanna see the Female Terminator VS Vicky from Small Wonder
jbird9142: the bubble headed boobie from lost in space and the maid from the Jetsons
Kacie_0920: “@ActionChick: ROCK ‘EM SOCK ‘EM ROBOTS: Which famous robots would you want to see slug it out?” r2d2 and the robot from power rangers
lloydkaufman: Jonas Brothers Robot vs Beiberbot!
Mr_Sahue: Johnny 5 vs Wall-E. Should be fun. 😛
renkris: Wall-E vs Gundam HeavyArms Customabout
ricky_II: Megazord vs. Voltron #fightfightfight
ridgewalker78: Terminator vs. Robocop. Continue reading
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Gothic Action Horror: Boomsticks, Monsters, and Lots of Leather

Thanks to Netflix’s nigh-infinite library of movies to watch, there are an equally large number of subcategories to help categorize films according to your taste. Do you like your action movies with a dose of justice? Try the Grizzled Revenge Thriller section. Want something magical to your tales of boy meets girl? Try Supernatural Romantic Comedies. Of the zillion plus subcategories on Netflix, one that I’ve yet to find, but seems like it’d be a shoe-in, is Gothic Action Horror— films that combine the dark aesthetic and time period of Gothic literature with a healthy mix of action and horror.

Army of Darkness

When it comes to literature, the Gothic genre refers to novels which blend horror and romance to create a tale of spine-tingling titillation. Army of Darkness certainly isn’t what you’d call a romantic movie, but those elements are there, nonetheless. This third entry in the Evil Dead trilogy illuminates the brilliance of the trilogy as a whole. Firstly, each film is a wild departure from the last. The first Evil Dead is a pretty intense “cabin in the woods”-style horror movie. The second sees the only survivor from the original film, Ash, losing his mind in a cabin filled with insane supernatural horrors. Evil Dead II blends horror and comedy together to create an entirely unique concoction many have tried to recreate, but few have managed to successfully. Army of Darkness foregoes the outright horror of the first two and instead goes for an action comedy with a horror theme, adding a dash of romance between Ash and Lady Shiela. Army of Darkness wasn’t especially successful in its initial theatrical run, but since then it’s gained an incredible cult following, thanks to its unique blend of genres, fast and funny script, and Bruce Campbell’s charismatic and bullheaded performance as Ash “Boomstick” Williams.

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters


As I mentioned before, the Evil Dead films oddly blend comedy and horror in a way that’s tough to pull off. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters does its best, and its definitely interesting, but it never quite hits that same stride that Sam Raimi’s films did. Still, despite some missteps, there’s a lot to like about Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Gemma Arterton and Jeremy Renner have a natural dynamic as the titular brother and sister (although I would have preferred Gretel spent a little more time kicking ass and a little less time getting kidnapped). As you’d expect from the title, the duo spends much of their time throwing down against witches; these brawls are fast and wild, with the different witches using their supernatural powers to keep each battle feeling different and interesting. There’s a subplot about Hansel hooking up with one of the few good witches, and though it doesn’t really go anywhere it still adds to Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters’ Gothic atmosphere.

Van Helsing


All right, let’s be honest, here. Van Helsing is one huge pile of wasted potential. You’ve got Hugh Jackman doing an awesome job as the titular monster hunter. You’ve got the awesome aesthetic and feel of a horror-infused 1800s world. There’s even Kate Beckinsale lookin’ fine and stomping badguys as Anna Valerious. And when you’ve got two great leads facing off against scores of classic horror monsters like Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, and the wolfman, it’s hard to go wrong. Well, somehow, writer/director Stephen Sommers found a way. Critics hated it by the dozen, and general audiences reacted poorly to how long and convoluted it was, not to mention that Kate Beckinsale’s character dies at the end of the flick in what felt like a cheap move to keep things open for a new actress to step in for the sequel. Boo, Van Helsing. Boo.



Unlike Van Helsing, here Kate Beckinsale gets to be her own woman and kick ludicrous amounts of ass. Underworld presents a dark, gritty world caught in an eternal war between vampires and werewolves. Our main gal Selene (Kate Beckinsale) finds her loyalty to her own race tested when she falls in love with Michael, a human on the run from both sides of this age-old conflict. Underworld packs in the action surprisingly well with great supernatural martial arts and shootouts— a feat made all the more impressive given its miniscule budget. Its creature effects are nothing to scoff at either, and, again, this is a movie made for less than 10% of what The Avengers cost. It’s no wonder that we got three more Underworld movies (and counting), with each keeping that awesome Gothic horror action-vibe to them.

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Get Yo’ Bromance On! TV’s Five Greatest Bromances

A lot of shows focus on romance, but what about the bromance? Everyone has friends (except for Hitler. That guy was a poop) so it’s just as important for shows to feature some bromantic action, but it’s a tougher challenge to depict these genuine friendships. Below we take a look at some of television’s best bromances— epic friendships we could all learn a thing or two from.


Kenzi & Bo from Lost Girl
Despite her penchant for flim-flammery, there ain’t a thing that Lost Girl’s Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) wouldn’t do for her girl-bro Bo (Anna Silk), and vice versa. When they first meet, Kenzi proves her willingness to accept Bo for who or whatever she might be, and when she’s trying to figure out the mystery of Bo’s superpowers she gets the ball rolling by giving Bo a survey on a napkin, with two simple options: I am an alien, I am a demon. After that they’re inseparable, always saving and supporting one another from the horrors of otherworldly creatures and dating in your twenties.


Finn and Jake from Adventure Time

What time is it? Adventure time! It’s also time to have a freaking blast hanging out with your best friend all day every day. Jake’s parents adopted baby Finn after they found the poor deserted infant in a forest making boom-boom on a leaf, and ever since then Jake the Dog and Finn the Human have been inseparable. They go on tons of adventures together, with Finn’s enthusiasm paving the way, and Jake’s unstoppably mellow attitude keeping things nice and fun. Most of the time these two are partners, but occasionally older bro Jake will offer Finn advice on the ins and outs of getting older. Most of the time, Jake’s words of wisdom can be boiled down to two words: “Relax, dude.”


Troy and Abed from Community
Troy and Abed in the Morning! Community’s Troy Barnes (Donald Glover) has a wide arc over the course of the series, starting off as a meatheaded jock and later becoming a geeky goofball who loves to play, and much of that is thanks to his Greendale classmate Abed Nadir (Danny Pudi). Abed, also a major geek, has Asperger’s, which puts him a bit on the socially awkward side, but together these two operate as one mind; so perfectly in tune are they that they pretend to be each other in one episode. No one else in their study group has a bond like these two. Their ideas are often written off by the other Greendale students as being “silly” or “childish,” but they have more fun than anyone on that entire friggin’ campus. For example: who else would think to turn a bedroom into a Dreamatorium, a room where they can fully unleash their imaginations? Or create a pillow fort so epic it becomes a civil war?

Scrubs TV show image

J.D & Turk from Scrubs
Living with someone can either bond you forever, or tear you apart, and in the case of Scrub’s J.D. (Zach Braff) and Turk (Donald Faison), it made a permanent chocolate/vanilla swirl out of them. J.D. is his White Shadow, and Turk is his Brown Bear. Starting out as college roommates, they went through medical school together and ended up working at the same hospital. Of the many themes running throughout Scrubs, one major focus is on the Turk/J.D. bromance. They might be in romantic relationships with the ladies, but if they’re in need of comfort, or are looking to party down, the first place they go is to each other. In the later seasons, Turk marries and has a child, and even then they maintain their guy love-infused friendship; when Turk’s back from his honeymoon, the first thing he does is run full speed into the arms of his White Shadow.


Ann and Leslie from Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) is one of the sweetest, caring, smartest characters on television. She’s always positive, thinks outside the box, and is a great role model for viewers. And she works in government? Shocking! Her unwaveringly upbeat attitude is like a bright shiny light that Ann (Rashida Jones) can’t turn away from, and Ann’s sweet, non-confrontational manner is like J.J.’s Diner waffles for Leslie. When they’re together, they’re fearless friends, unafraid of anything, willing to get drunk and throw down on anyone threatening the other, and, most importantly, they live by the motto “Ovaries before brovaries.”

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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