And from Facebook and twitter came these replies:
KanUDig_It : Thou shalt not eat a big meal before Fight Club or you are on project Mop and Bucket
Envylies: you had to have an imaginary friend! if that was a rule the movie and book wouldn’t have a “holy s*** WTF” moment
VentureBrosBlog: Chapter 12 – Pages 97 to 98
BGTNmovieblog: You do not talk about Fight Club, but you can hum softly to yourself about Fight Club.
BGTNmovieblog: The wearing of bunny slippers is highly discouraged at Fight Club.
notmikestark: Rule #24. Put the toilet seat back down when finished.
stopthepota: they probably left out rule 34.
Richard Purnell: No whining like a Baby
Russell Allen Pinkston: Dadgum….that leaves me out!
Richard Purnell: its funny right when i read this i was watching Fight Club on Blu-Ray at the Scene Durden was Saying what the rules were. nice Timing!
Russell Allen Pinkston: Action Flick Chick knows when you are sleeping…she knows when you are watching a kick ass action movie! She knows EVERYTHING!
Paul White: Book- You Do NOT TALK ABOUT GENITAL WARTS… Movie- You DO NOT BLEACH your HAIR!!!!
Brett Reno: Don’t drop the soap?
Sarah Fuller Phillips: When you are obviously having a psychotic break, let your friends commit you
Erin Lashley: Keep a close eye on your imaginary friends.
John Matthew Constantine: Ummm, afterwards, it’s OKAY to HAVE YOUR WAY with Angelina Jolie, but it’s REALLY not OKAY to MARRY HER? (8/
The_Mangaman: Another Rule: In Russia fight club doesn’t talk about you. So don’t talk about fight club.
Rob Wooden: No shirt, no shoes.
Michael Potter: No mild salsa.
Harold Burman: If it bleeds, you can kill it.

He brought juice and cookies.
Sara Elizabeth Boozer: If someone asks about your black eyes or bruises, they gotta join…unless they’re under 15.
Coop Cooper: If you look like Jared Leto, we will make you look like “The Gimp”
Gil Paulsen: if its your first night at fight club you must bring the juice and cookies.
Origin of image, last week’s tweets:
@CapSteveRogers: I want you to hit me as hard as you can. #HighFiveFriday @actionchick
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i saw an Jane Austen fight club movie on youtube, real funny, here is the link…and i think milk goes best with cookies:)
shortened url =