For my birthday yesterday, the website Nerds in Babeland posted an interview with yours truly, the Action Flick Chick.
NiBL: For the uninitiated, how did you first get into the blog world?
AFC: It’s all about Rambo, baby! After watching the amazing action in Rambo IV and getting quite a few bewildered looks from guys when I rented it from the store, I decided I wanted to share the action with the world from a female perspective. So I wrote a review on my friends’ website, I received great feedback about the article series, and after awhile I branched off into my own website.
NiBL: What was the first action flick you ever saw? Did you immediately fall in love with them or was that something that took time?
AFC: The first action film I can remember watching all the way through was Die Hard 3. I think I was around 11 or 12 and I loved it. Even before then, I was always trying to watch whatever my brothers and dad were watching which was action/war films, but they always made me leave the room like responsible parents should. I guess my persistence of coming back several times during the film made them give up when it came to Die Hard. From there my love of action films grew over time.
NiBL: After movies, what is your next biggest pop culture obsession?
AFC: Video games!!!
NiBL: Obligatory question: Favorite action heroine from the cinema?
AFC: Milla Jovovich is my favorite, but… (full interview continued at Nerds in Babeland)
And thanks for the birthday wishes!!!!! Hard as it might be to believe, I read and appreciate every single one.
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You’re awesome. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
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It’s sad that I didn’t wish you one on Facebook as well. We might not be connected there. Linked In?
Stay sane, AFC.
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Geek Girls Rule!
Haha, great pic of you in the snuggie.
That is why you are the best, you took the time to thank everyone! You are the best! Great interview
Happy Birthday friend. Hope it was great!
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