Site: Action Flick Chick
Post: Spoiler Free SXSW Review: Kick-Ass (2010)
by Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill (@ActionChick): “Hell yes!!!! I am glad to see that someone finally has big enough balls to create a 12-year-old female character that curses like a sailor and can kick a grown man’s ass in 2 seconds flat.”
Site: Action Flick Chick
Post: Spoiler: Kick-Ass (2010)
by Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill (@ActionChick): “Turn back if you don’t want the film spoiled! I’ve just posted this because there are folks out there that will eat up any kind of spoiler, and I’d hate for them to go hungry.”
Site: Ashley Lynch
Post: Ashley’s Review: Kick-Ass
by Ashley Lynch (@AshleyLynch): “Watch the red-band trailer. If you like it, then you’ll love the movie. It’s that simple.”
Site: Film Gurl
Post: Kick-Ass (2010)
by Film Gurl (@filmgurl11): “I don’t want to ruin it for you, but let’s just say introducing “HG” into the film really made it a “kick a$$” kind of movie. Without this character, I don’t think the film would have been that great…”
Site: Geek Girl Diva
Post: Dear Geeks: This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
by Geek Girl Diva (@GeekGirlDiva): “…what am I seeing today? Comments that Kick-Ass ‘flopped’ and all sorts of reasons ‘why’. Flopped? Really? A niche film with a comic book/anime feel?”
Site: Susan Hated Literature
Post: Kick-ass
by Fence: “Once you don’t mind ott violence and blood and gore, that is. If you do then this is not a film for you. But if you get the fact that a huge part of a super-hero’s job description involves hurting other people then you’ll have a better chance of liking this.”
And check out Fence’s Hit-Girl/Rosie the Riveter pic!
More reviews and rants will be listed as they come in.
I would of loved this movie alot more had I not seen so many trailers that showed so much of the good parts in the movie. Less is more….enjoyable!
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You’ve been tagged on that weird meme thing going around the movie blogs. Check out more details on my post: Don’t chain-posts suck?
Also, going to see Kick-Ass tonight! Excited!
Awesome, thanks for the review mention – you’re the best!
Thanks for the mention
And I agree with Film Gurl, without Hit Girl this film really wouldn’t have been so much fun.
Kickass was aweseome.I love Hitgirls fight scenes.
HIT GIRL rocked the film! Bring her back