Left: Not Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Right: Not David Boreanaz (Angel).
ActionChick: First thought: Most obvious scene when stuntperson wasn’t really the actor/actress getting doubled?
Answers on Twitter
@AGreatWhiteDope: – where the young blonde woman jumps out of the window in “RoboVampire” and quickly turns into a gray-haired man.
@atomiclemon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhsZOVepFJQ it’s quick, but noticeable.
@boxhounds: Jurassic Park when the girl falls and looks up at the camera for help
@ChuckGould: Beverly Hills Cop…when “Eddie Murphy” flips a guy over a table the stunt double looks more like Richard Pryor than Eddie Murphy
@claireherting: Spawn – They only had him in the mask when it was a stunt double.
@clinton_o: Star Trek TOS “Space Seed” The fight in engineering between Kirk and Khan.
@evildorina: Any scene where Spike fights in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show was so good I always forgave that awful wig.
@JennaBusch: @evildorina @ActionChick Spike/Buffy … these are magic words to me.
@FANT0MAAS: Spaceballs! Still kills me!
@FixatedOn: buffy ep, Earshot. Buffy fights with 300lb lunch lady who turns into 90lb stuntwoman. Genius!
@ginobot: every Scott Wolf fight scene in double dragon
@Heart_man_after: 1. situations where insurance ppl would interject 2. heavy usage of jump cuts & cam angles that obscure the actors face.
@iamchoppah: mom in I’m Gonna Get You Sucka..the dude had a moustache. After 20 years, that edit still makes me laugh
@Jake_Worman: my favourite is the obvious white stunt men blacked up in rasta wigs. From seagal’s marked for death. http://bit.ly/HLKLRx
@JediiRaccoon: Spaceballs – Stunt Doubles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwV61t_Tec8
@JennaBusch: @evildorina @ActionChick I’m not going to lie. I judge TV sex scenes by that one. Well, basic cable sex scenes.
@ActionChick: By how well the body doubles match? Of course. RT @JennaBusch: @evildorina @ActionChick I judge TV sex scenes by that one. Well, basic cable
@jrsydevils: I can’t think of any movies off-hand but here’s some from Star Trek
@mcrichard: Hello! The scene in “Spaceballs” where the guards capture their stuns doubles!
@mikekarv: Wildcats. Woody was played by a black guy.
@ninJaeS: Any scene of Chuck Norris kicking above the waste in Walker Texas Ranger.
@notthatbrad: Hard To Kill with Stephen Segal. In one scene some blond dude drives a jeep through a gazebo.
@TheCasperOne: OJ Simpson in Naked Gun going down the stairs at the baseball game. First thing I thought
@TheDancingGamer: I can think of a few scenes from BTVS where it’s obviously a stuntperson doubling for Buffy or another character…
@timhanley01: Betty Draper getting out of the tub last Sunday. Though I suppose it wasn’t a stuntperson per se…
@tusharnene: intentionally obvious but damn it still counts. Rodney Dangerfield’s triple lindy dive in back to school
@wartortlynch: jurassic park, raptor ceiling hunt
@whitneyd: Jurassic Park. When Muldoon tells Ellie to run, suddenly she’s a man in a bad blonde wig.
@WorkSuxAlot: Wigs are a give away. They never flow or reflect right
@wyldride: Buffy fights Lunch Lady in Earshot. RT @ActionChick Most obvious scene when stuntperson wasn’t really the actor/actress getting doubled?
Answers on Facebook
Alan Sizzler Kistler: Kirk battle scenes in TOS and Buffy battle scenes both spring to mind.
Alex Langley: Just caught a scene in Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo where one of the leads fell down the stairs. During the fall he somehow aged 15 years, put on thirty pounds of muscle and donned an armor vest under his shirt.
Andrew Molinaro Zhora: through the plate glass window in BLADE RUNNER. If I’m not mistaken, Ridley went back and re-shot part of the scene with Joanna Cassidy for the Final Cut.
Arturo R. Garcia: The Kardashian tape. I mean, COME ON.
Ashley Pitcock: There are quite a few in Buffy.
Brendan Mooney: Michele Boyd’s stunt double making out with Teal Shearer in The Guild S3 finale – oh, wait…
Brenna Deutscher: T2 when Arnie was jumping the bike into the canal
Brennan Neil: Earth Girls Are Easy dance scene.
Chris Spider Mureiko: Pfft, you all missed the best intentional one: I’m Gonna Git You Sucka!
Christoffer Andersson: First one that pops into my mind: One of James Remar’s fight scenes in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, the difference is so jarring that it becomes hilarious
Evan Zebley: So, this doesn’t include Blues Brothers, right?
Helen Gynell: vaguely remember motorcycle crash scene in “The Rookie” (1990) (looked it up @1:21:19) think it was more obvious on the big screen
Jeff Kirshner: In the Naked Gun movies.
Jeremy Lynch: Magnum P.I. season one. Magnum races down a dock and leaps onto a boat. Not only is it clearly not Selleck, but it is also clear that it is two different scenes as it is obvious that the stunt man was not even close to landing on the back of the boat.
Jessica Colón: the entire catwoman flick lol
John Nacinovich: Better Off Dead when Monique is skiing with Lane.
Jon Condit: I’m Gonna Git You Sucka…
Joseph Williams: that scene in T2 when Arnie jumps his bike and saves John is pretty damn obvious.
Jubei Yagyu: Flashdance. No way that was J Beals dancing.
Natali Heuss: Wesley & Buttercup down the hill in Princess Bride
Nick Ward: The worst one for me is FaceOff. The boat scence. Nick Cages double has hair
Robert Hall: In Strek Trek Original Series Episode Space Seed, the fight between Kirk and Khan!
Samantha Marie Anderson: Face/Off… The speedboat chase!
Scott Hillman: Moonraker. Theres a scene when james bond is on a firetruck- thats obviously roger moore on the closeups on front of bad rear projections and long shots where its a stunt man.
Thomas Itpick: Face/Off when the speed boat hits and it cuts to a shot of the two stuntmen flying off the boat and both stuntmen have full heads of hair. (That’s SO not even close to Nicholas Cage.)
Tim D’Allaird: Ace Frehley’s black stunt double in Kiss Meets The Phanton of the Park.
Tonie Miller Auer: Princess Bride – when Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts/Wesley are “falling” down the hill heading toward the Fire Swamp.
Will Bates: Spaceballs…..