deepdarkred: Terminator!

Mr_Sahue: Terminator. Hands down. RT @ActionChick: Okay, folks, WHO WINS?
maverickbarrett: @ridgewalker78 Robo
Zack_Parks: in the fight between C-3PO and Data, Data wins moving on to the next round.
Nerdocitycom: @ridgewalker78 Robocop is still a man on the side… Robocop wins, he can think outside the box and has heart.:
ridgewalker78: Whoops, almost late to the fight- I’d bet on Robocop.
ActionChick: So far you folks have Robocop ahead of Terminator in their fight.
216YoungTO: #JustPlayin who would u sleep with RObocop or terminator? Lol
Zack_Parks: Data goes up against Inspector Gadget and wins by default because Gadget ends up beating himself up
DSB_IV: It’s just a fist fight? or do they have weapons?
hosefeet616: terminator btw r u a fan of stockings?
Zack_Parks: Data goes up against Robocop and is mercilessly mowed down.
maverickbarrett: There are no slow spots in ROBOCOP. I disagree with you there.
TJSlipperman: @ridgewalker78 Between RoboCop and Terminator, I pick RoboCop…
Zack_Parks: however, in my own opinion, the victor of a Robocop vs. Terminator fight is none other than the Cyberdyne Systems Model 101.
robcarrphoto: @ridgewalker78 Terminator wins. Organics hamper Robocop, don’t matter to Terminator.
ActionChick: Terminator’s getting blows in against Robocop, but hasn’t caught up from Robocop’s early lead.
GeorgyKong: I think the news of Arnold’s recent affair and love child is giving Robocop the handicap.
kallisti_x: If Robocop defeats Terminator, does Terminator’s lovechild get another go at Robocop in a decade or so?
Zack_Parks: “D-d-d-d-dead or ali-v-v-v-v-ve you’re com-m-m-ming with m-me” “Eat me, dickwad.”
johnny_williams: Terminator without a doubt
Pegaso_Saint: Robocop doesn’t have a chance if terminator uses catchup and mustard.
ActionChick: Robocop lacks that part. RT @216YoungTO who would u sleep with RObocop or terminator? Lol
David_Hahn: Robocop shouldn’t count, he’s a cyborg, not a full robot. Not to mention he and Terminator are so OBVIOUS! C’mon, people!
Pegaso_Saint: also… Robocop is just a cop in the end. The Terminator has more power. Politician’s power!
maialideth: are we talking T-800, T-1000 or terminatrix? Anyway I’d go with Terminator
ActionChick: Just as I was about to call the fight, Terminator catches up with Robocop!!
DSB_IV: Poor Murphy:
Nerdocitycom: Robocop is from Detroit, he’s like the original Chrysler 200… with a gun.
Kacie_0920: robocop rocks
NomentionofKev: Terminator wins
ActionChick: Though I already told @PanelsOnPages I wouldn’t do a Terminator. RT @216YoungTO sleep with RObocop or terminator? Lol
chrisamilligan: I’m predicting Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China swoops in and kills both Terminator and Robocop.
ircarter: Terminator. Robocop would get distracted with emotions and worry about protecting the public.
ActionChick: Terminator pulls ahead with 30 seconds left in the final round!!!

ghachey: well u can’t count out robocop.on nasty activities js he could come.with attachments Zack_Parks: you know what would be an epic fight? Optimus Prime vs. The Iron Giant!
RiverCityOtter: #FF & Terminator has to win Hating Robocop JM
Todd Peter Chmelnytzki: Terminator hands down…
ActionChick: DING! Robocop is still on his feet but the judges have tweeted: Terminator WINS!!!
Pegaso_Saint: terminator said “he’ll be back” and he has. Meanwhile Robocop is still at the donut shop. Related: eF the police.
edibleeats: Terminator, Robocop is slow.
genuineadmirer: YAY!!
deepdarkred: YAY!!
EastDallasAlice: oh dear god Action Chick Robocop was built to please.. Terminator was built on steriods, it swinks the goodness we so long
DustinIndy: #terminator did say he would be back multiple times
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