We did it! We’ve reached our goal for GAGA season 1! Thank you to everyone who has helped by spreading the news and donating. You can find me talking about GAGA (among other things) with Nightfly on OH! Entertainment. And, GAGA was chosen as a favorite crowdfunding project on Nerdist! AND The kickstarter isn’t over yet! If we reach $5000 we can begin immediate work on GAGA season 2! Check out our video update on Kickstarter.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
About Action Flick Chick
Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, author of
the books Action Movie Freak and
100 Greatest Graphic Novels , learned to appreciate all things action at a young age by sneaking into the room while her two older brothers watched action movies and horror. At ActionFlickChick.com, she shares her love of these films with everyone, along with interviews, news, and whatever else she happens to choose. G4TV crowned her their Next Woman of the Web champion, and she co-hosted MTV Geek’s live Comic-Con coverage. Her articles have appeared at sites including MTV.com, io9.com, Arcade Sushi, and Newsarama. Follow her as
@ActionChick on Twitter.
Base of operations: Dallas, Texas.
Favorite Movie: Tremors (1990).
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