Alex Langley of Rocket Llama and my business partner in crime has started a new blog about time travel. If you think you’re prepared for time travel, you’re wrong. There are so many things to screw up while time traveling, so you’d best be getting yourself a guide. Ye Olde Guide is a fun and entertaining way to learn how to time travel in style. Here’s an example from Alex of some tips on how prevent accidentally doing it with dear old Gramma when you time travel:
- Take a family tree with you when you time travel.
- Mark all known aliases of your family members.
- For God’s sake, use protection.
- If you aren’t sure that you’re not related, it’s probably not the best of ideas to get it on. This doesn’t just apply to time travel.
You can check out more of Alex’s wacky time travel conundrums over at
What about the Fry (Futurama) paradox though? What if by not doing my gramma I cease to exist!?
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Four Simple Tips to Help Prevent Accidentally Getting It on with Gramma!
My dad used to give me a headache with the old paradox, if you go back in time to kill HItler ( as I asked him after seeing Back to the Future . . . did I mention I was an “interesting” child?) and you succeed in killing him, you never would have had to go back in time to kill him in the first place . . . so, yea, I have a headache again . . . . thanks, dad!