“I think we’re going to do a Die Hard 5 next year,” Bruce Willis told MTV’s Josh Horowitz, while noting that no firm details have been established.
The Action Flick Chick has reviewed the first two films in the chronicles of John McClane, Die Hard (fake terrorists in a building) and Die Hard 2: Die Harder (fake terrorists at an airport), and will get around to the others (Die Hard with a Vengeance featuring fake terrorists in a city and finally Live Free or Die Hard which takes the bogus terrorism nation-wide) in her own good time. Regardless of the previous sequels, our Chick is always down for more.
Through Facebook and twitter, she asked for people’s ideas on titles for the next Die Hard installment. Some great ones got left out of this post’s title because we just couldn’t fit them all in.
@Slickriptide: Die Harder Than Ever
@Shadowbat: Die Already, Just Die, Damn You, Die!
@AberdeenSoldier: Die Balder!
@thisguyoverhere: Die Hard 5: Die Harderer With More Vengences
@laermer: Die Hard with Fries
@iam1hotmass: Never Die Hard!!! John McClane will live foreva !!!
@cromah: Die Harderer
@OnyxSparrow: Damnit just DIE Already!
@ososantos: Die Hard 5 the Final Death sounds like a bruce lee movie but its cool
@papadoc77: DH: Why F***ing Bother or DH: We’re Shocked you Give A S***
@ososantos: Die Hard 5 Yippy Kayyay Europe
@DoctorCaos (who’d inadvertently inspired the topic): Die Hard 5: Electric Yipee-ki-yay
@Agiliste: Not Dead Yet
@Mage1066: Die Hardest: We’re Serious This Time
@Mage1066: Die Hard 5: Afraid of a Hard R
@roninclique: Die Hard 5 – Dead and Loving It
@roninclique: Die Hard 5 – DOA
@roninclique: Die Hard 5 – Mall Cop
@roninclique: #DieHard5 Scout and Rumor Need New Cars
@skynyrdnation: Die Hard 5: John McClane Gets Life Alert
@wyldride: Die Hard 5: Look, I Know You Think You’ve Died Hard Previously, But That’s Peanuts to the Hardness of This Death
@BobbyBless219: Die Hard: In Space!
@cromah: Die Hard: I Know How You Died Last Summer
@wyldride: Die Hard 5 — The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Die!
@Slickriptide: Only the Good Die Hard!
@eyeshine99: For the Love of All Things Holy Die Already
@FilmIntuition: I can see the product placements and tie-ins now– “I want the John McClane size with a yippie-ki-ay mother-Icee.”
Marq Piocos: Die Already
Chris Jones: Die Hard and Stay Dead Already
Chris Jones: Give It a Rest, in Peace
Justin Calvert: Die Hard, but this time Bruce Willis co-starring with Shia Labeouf
Kanu Digit: Die Hard 5 : Dead Before Dawn John McClane vs Zombies Yippie Ki Aye Mutha Trucker!
Russell Allen: Live Free and Die Hard in a Nursing Home
Kate Clark: Too Hard to Die: John McClane vs Viagra
Alex Langley: Die Hardermaus; Die Hard and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull; Die So Hard That Your Eyeballs Explode; Die Hard Five: Jump, Wail N’ Jive; and of course, Die Hard 5.2: Electric Boogaloo.
Michael Dellheim: A Bond crossover called Die Hard Another Day
Stephen Huckabee: The Hard Death of a Nation in which John McClane runs around killing Klansmen
Robert J. Peterson: Die Hard-On
Nestor Roman Banda: Die Hard 5: Return of the Zeus
John Fiore Jr.: Die Hard 5.285432 Father time will be the Villian this time
Sara Elizabeth Boozer: Die Hard Forever
Gary Lister: Die Hardly (John McClane will NEVER die!)
Die Hard 5? Really???
(This is a great website, btw.)
shortened url = http://3.ly/DieHard5
The Harder they Die
You forgot the ultimate title!
Die Hard 5ever
Think about it.