What do we have behind door #1, Bob? Why, it’s another remake, Tim! If you thought 2011 would bring you something new and exciting in the film industry, you may only be half right. The Mechanic looks exciting, but it sure isn’t new, being that it is a remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film of the same name. But hey, don’t close that door yet, Tim! The Mechanic is fully equipped with an action packed trailer and the oh so tasty action morsel Jason Statham. These two combined make for a happy Action Flick Chick. In 2011’s The Mechanic, Statham plays a hit man who is out to avenge his murdered mentor. Along the way, he ends up teaching an apprentice the ways of the business. Ah, there’s nothing like bonding over a person’s first kill. Ben Foster and Donald Sutherland also star in The Mechanic, coming out on January 28, 2011.
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
So when are they going to remake The Eiger Sanction. What, Eastwood is off limits, but Bronson can be redone?
I can’t say I’ve seen the original. But the preview of this looks pretty awesome. Jason Statham may be typecast in these sort of roles, (so we won’t be seeing him in any rom-coms too soon), but he’s the best choice for this movie. I also love that Ben Foster is in this as well. This will go on my list.
I’m torn on this one. The original is my favorite ‘hitman’ movie so I’m a bit biased.
I guess I don’t see why this needed to have any tie to the original whatsoever since it looks to be more or less an action blast-fest — not that I’m against such things; in that regard it actually looks pretty badass.
But hey, let’s respect our Charlie Bronson here folks.
shortened url = http://3.ly/CATM
Wow. I MUST see you Jason in pretty much any movie you make…
I saw the original film ‘The Mechanic’ starring Charles Bronson and loved it back then. Bronson was the action man of that era, very cool.
Jason Statham is one of the action men of the now, again very cool – but wait a tick. He is HOT, HOT, HOT! I mean the man drips sex appeal whilst blowing someon’s head off, or throwing a well aimed knife into someon’e neck. He was fantastic in ‘The Expendables’; very drool worthy and kicked some major ass.
Will I see this film? YOU BET! Would not miss it for the world. Have to see Statham in action again. Be still my action packed, yet drooling heart!
Another great article and heads-up Ms. Chick!