Green Zone starring Matt “Bourne to be wild” Damon is a film based on the book Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasekaran. The film takes place in the Green Zone in Baghdad, where Officer Roy Miller (Damon) is on the search for weapons of mass destruction and finds all sorts of fishy shenanigans going on. It’s an action thriller war film written by Brian Helgeland, three genres that are right up my alley. The film is directed by Paul Greengrass and stars Amy Ryan, Greg Kinnear, Jason Isaacs, and Brendan Gleeson. You can fulfill your craving for Matt Damon and a thrilling war tale on March 12, 2010.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
About Action Flick Chick
Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, author of
the books Action Movie Freak and
100 Greatest Graphic Novels , learned to appreciate all things action at a young age by sneaking into the room while her two older brothers watched action movies and horror. At, she shares her love of these films with everyone, along with interviews, news, and whatever else she happens to choose. G4TV crowned her their Next Woman of the Web champion, and she co-hosted MTV Geek’s live Comic-Con coverage. Her articles have appeared at sites including,, Arcade Sushi, and Newsarama. Follow her as
@ActionChick on Twitter.
Base of operations: Dallas, Texas.
Favorite Movie: Tremors (1990).
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Let me guess, he is a CIA agent who has to turn rogue to capture his evil superiors . . . how original!
I found it very intense, I liked it but then I’m a big fan of Matt Damon and the Bourne films. I wasn’t looking at it solely for the story either. The quick cut action scenes were great as were the car chases. There was no part in the story involving a romance which i thought was awesome so it was solely action!
I just watched Matt Damon’s new movie Green Zone…I can’t believe we went to Iraq!