So if you recast Avatar‘s Smurfs with The Return of the Jedi‘s Ewoks, is this what you get?
Star Wars isn’t the only film or film series Avatar is finding itself compared to. How about Walt Disney’s Pocahontas?
Or, as I note in my review, I kept feeling like I was watching Fern Gully: The Last Rain Forest.
Now we just need a good Dances with Wolves mash-up.
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The Pocahontas one is hilarious!
Great article on Avatar.. ill be seeing it this weekend.
Avatar was great, but I’m still a fan of all the classic SciFi’s ): Star Trek! Star Wars!
Through out the film, I was momentarily messed up by most of the same things that have been discussed here, but for the most part, I forgot them as my enjoyment progressed. Even the over zealous expression of capitalism or the “over-zealous military commander” were accepted as being a critical part of the story.But there one small thing that (oddly enough, I guess) irritated me. I had no way to go back and view it again, but I’m pretty sure that when the Colonel was killed, he took his hands off the robot controls, trying to remove the arrow/bolt. Yet, with the Colonel’s death, the robot TOPPLED OVER! I would have expected such a machine just to simply stop moving and stand there.
Avatar was easily the most creative movie ever.
@ The Worm Grower Haha, Irony at it’s greatest. Good one.
Avatar really just consumed a lot of money. And the worst is: We financed it! 500 million dollars for a f***ing movie with shitty plot? If I want to see cool effects and want to spend a lot of money for it I’d rather finance another space telescope. But you won’t make every idiot on this planet pay 15$ for a space telescope, will you? No we rather pay a lot of money for shitty brain damaging effects that the so great James Cameron made. Seriously what’s so great about him? That he can write a story within ten years that a 5 years old can write? He is like the most stupid writer I ever saw. The most stupid and the most famous.
I hate James Cameron. He is an arrogant idiot. Why the hell does everybody like him?