After @CariDeeEnglish (CariDee English, who won America’s Next Top Model sometime after Katrina’s friend Adrianne Curry) mentioned that she was at a drive-in the other night, our heroine @ActionChick wondered how many drive-ins are still in business.
angiebatgirl: @ActionChick There’s one in NJ. Just one but it’s awesome
Decently priced and good food/candy
DanielleDeLisle: @ActionChick @CariDeeEnglish There are drive-ins! I know of at least two I have been to. One in Weirs Beach, NH and one in Lubbock, TX! and
ActionChick: Who else among you has been to a drive-in movie? @DanielleDeLisle & @angiebatgirl have.
And the replies swarmed in:
ALakerfan78: its been awhile but I have love em! You bring your own food blanket and pillows and watch the (cont)
anismom2: @DanielleDeLisle @angiebatgirl I have…many moons ago!
ASPSmith: There’s a drive-in in my home town but I’ve never been. Still quite a few in MN, they’re just not open year round.
chibi_missy: I went to one last when I was 16. My dad didn’t believe me that it was a double feature, with Ame… (cont)
DanielleDeLisle: What’s great about drive-ins is they show TWO movies and the one here in TX charges only six bucks per person for both! Deal!
defectivecandy: theres one about 20 miles from my house too. It’s a fun experience.
Delete .
DrewAtHitFix: There are a few pretty solid ones around LA these days. Lots of fun.
edibleeats: I just learned there was one near my house#drivein
FreakingAnnoyed: best parts of a drive-in a kid, the swings, as a teenager, the back seat, as an adult, the movie!
HaintedHoller: My wife and I still go to the one in Eden,NC several times a year
Hokuboku: There definitely are some drive ins left. I have two in my neck of the woods. Love to see movies that way!
Hokuboku: This is my favorite local drive in. Just look at the awesome, action packed double feature opening week:
idriveskj: We went every weekend in high school! Oh…now you know I’m old! :o)
IvySunny: I’ve been to lots of drive ins. There’s one locally.
jade_kadir: I’ve beeen to a drive-in movie several times. We used to go as a family often when I was a kid.
JeanJAuthor: @DanielleDeLisle @angiebatgirl The last one I went to was 5 years ago…& a year and a half later, they closed it. :-<
jedikat71: I used to go all the time with my parents. I saw #StarWars for the first time at a drive-in.
kallisti_x: @DanielleDeLisle @angiebatgirl @JeanJAuthor There’s one here in town still (Wilmington, OH) – I try and go at least once a year
KateWestReviews First movie I ever saw, PINOCCHIO, in our family station wagon RT @ActionChick Who else among you has been to a drive-in movie? (not me)
KeithAllGamer: I’ve been to a couple of drive-in movies when I lived back in L.A.
kubrick1017: The last time i’ve been to a drive in was many years ago double feature star wars/jaws 2
melme: Haven’t been to a drive-in since I was a kid. The last time we saw a double feature of Batman Returns and Lethal Weapon 3.
mjarbo: i worked at a drive-in theater for 9 years. 5 of those were as asst manager.
Mothpete: @DanielleDeLisle @angiebatgirl Drive-ins were fun. It was like a huge public pyjama party at the kiosk. 2 movies for price of 1
Mr_Sahue: I have. Eons ago. Watched Jurassic Park.They’ve closed it now. Lame.
mvp_repo1 @DrewAtHitFix @actionchick I miss drive in theaters so much! Fond memories of family outings. Now I’d like the ease of not dealing w others.
nidhighe: I have, a very long time ago (1970s).
NotSoFamous1 RT @ActionChick I didi when I was a kid (I was never a kid)
onnabugeisha: As a kid, I saw SO many movies at the drive-in. Godzilla is even more epic when viewed from the vantage of a 1974 Ford LTD.
pitbullsrok: I’ve been to a drive-in movie!! SOOOO much fun … sneaking people in the trunk ;-}
POParitaville: I miss going to the drive-in.
POParitaville: There aren’t any drive-in’s within traveling distance to you?
scooterchicken: I have been to several drive-in movies.
Shane_For_Wax: I miss them so much.Those were the days.
Skullzy: You’ve neer been to a drive in show, thats crazy. I have been to quite a few, always a great time. Starting to feel old now tho
swiv: Favorite snipper – Special agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs – NCIS
TB5918: @scooterchicken I’ve yet to go to a drive-in, even though there’s one near me. I need to remedy that this summer.
Tearsinrain78: I saw ghost at a drive in that was the one and only time
tenindenmark I have. RT @ActionChick: Who else among you has been to a drive-in movie? (not me) @DanielleDeLisle & @angiebatgirl have.
teresajusino: I have! The Cherry Bowl in Empire, MI.Such a great place! @DanielleDeLisle @angiebatgirl
TheFilmConsumer: There’s a drive-in in my fiancee’s hometown of Eden, NC. I saw BATMAN BEGINS there, but haven’t been back since.
TheRealThing: I saw Beverly Hills Cop III and City Slickers II at a drive-in in the 90s… and of course, the place closed a long time ago.
trekkerguy: I saw Star Trek Generations and Jurassic Park at the drive-in in Tampa Bay, FL as a kid
walt_gilbert: – There’s still a drive-in operating about 45 minutes from where I live:
workingclassdog: my late grandpa built the drive-in we had growing up #truestory
WorkSuxAlot: Drive in movie The spiders from mars? I just remember that because MST3K covered it, but Bedknobs and broomsticks too
ActionChick: Those of you who’ve been to drive-ins: Which movies worked best there? Godzilla maybe? Twister!
Alex Langley: Drive-ins? What is this “drive-in” of which you speak?
AyeQue: godzilla as in 1998?
Brian Knox: Bruce Lee movies. Horror movies of the b-movie nature (“Don’t Go in the Basement”, “Basket Case”). Hollywood’s best don’t benefit from Drive-ins, great production values are lost because of the poor quality of the projection.
Cosmic_Psycho: Jurassic Park and E.T. were great drive in experiences.
Dalanna23: I watched harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
Dalanna23: we still have a drive in about 30 minutes from my house. Its always packed
Elton Hom: Any 70’s blackxploitation or Kung Fu movies where the plot didn’t matter. There were always distractions from other movie goers. But that was part of the charm of drive ins.
FilmSamurai: Any Bruce Lee film works great in a Drive In
FrankieSanatra: <Who watches the movie in a driveIn?LOL
GInvestor888 #Grease is the Word! glasswalker: Twister! Especially because of the scene where the drive in gets wiped out. And I live in the Midwest
Gordylocke I have fond memories of James Bond flicks with fam @ActionChick Those of you who’ve been to drive-ins: Which movies worked best there?
James N. Brown: You know I have one of these like 5mins from my place right? Google Galaxy Drive in Ennis, TX
Jim Barnes: not twister, remember that seen where the tornado comes through the drive in
jujusands: GREASE!
KeithAllGamer: Both drive-in movies were a bit dark. Die Hard was on a date and Platoon was with a bunch of friends. Very different experience
KeithAllGamer: The two movies I can say for sure that I’ve seen in a drive-in were Die Hard and Platoon (yeah, it’s been a while).
LaMechelle2322: Twister for sure!
lbgirl69: I loved horror movies at drive-ins.
lindyshoots: Horror films. When I was in college we’d go to the Monster Bash or whatever it was called then at Starlight 6 in ATL.
moonlithorrors: yes! movies that do not require a lot of quiet for the mood. Anything that is made better when it’s loud.
P1LaughingMan: Back to the Future
Russell Pinkston: Any movie is good at the drive in. I’ve seen Peter Pan, Terminator 2 and Salvation, I Robot, Finding Nemo, Pirates of the Caribbean, Freddy Vs. Jason, and many Russ Meyer movies…thanks Dad @ the drive in. I love getting to share the experiece with my kids that I got growing up..but not the Russ Meyer movies
Hopefully I can go this summer!
Shadowbat: Best was when I saw Sword & the Serpent with my girlfriend. I still haven’t seen it!
trekkerguy: Star Trek Generations… life sized saucer section crashing? Hell yeah
urabore: : Last drive in movie I saw was Bambi. Great show on the outdoor big screen back in 1957.
Wendy Harrington: All of them!
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Action Flick Chick Goes to the Drive-In
They do exist though they seem to be rare nowadays. It seems as if drive-ins were an important part of movie culture in the past. I haven’t been to one in quite some time, though maybe I’ll have to visit one again one day!
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