In addition to writing for my site, I’ve also got articles over at the wonderful, as well as the equally wonderful Here’s a highlights reel of this week’s articles so far:
Sylvester Stallone has been in the action movie business for roughly forty-three years. He’s an action icon whose career has been a staple in propelling the action genre to its mainstream popularity. I will always be amazed that the man is still making movies in his late 60’s; and, not just easy “I’ll be sitting down in every scene” kind of movies. No, sir. He’s doing stunts, breaking his neck, and punching b-holes left and right for our entertainment. He’s a stinking terminator! His newest film, Bullet to the Head, hits theaters this weekend, so what better time to visit the “good old days” with a Stallone-a-thon!
Snap! This episode of Arrow features betrayals out the wazoo… which is probably why it’s called “Betrayal.” You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting someone in the process of betraying someone. Diggle has to slap the blinders off Ollie’s eyes, Laurel finds out her father’s true intentions, and Tommy is still boring (no surprise there).
The island flashback revealed some exciting stuff for fans of Spartacus and Deathstroke- super sexy Manu Bennett is Slade Wilson, a.k.a Deathstroke, a.k.a The Terminator, a.k.a big trouble. However, apparently there’s two men running around sporting the signature Deathstroke mask. Slade tells Ollie that he has a partner who wears the same mask and it was he who tortured him. Yeah, sure! Blame it on your “partner” just to avoid an awkward conversation with the guy you sliced up. Ollie lets it go for the moment, and starts training with Slade to be a fighting machine so that they can take over an air field. Yes! More of this please, and, the in future, throw in a few shirtless Slade/Ollie workout sessions as well.
Ever dream about getting behind the wheel of a race car, feeling that rush of driving 200 miles per hour, almost flying off the road with every errant curve? SlotZ Racer 2 is nothing like that; however, you can safely race virtual RC cars around tiny tracks and watch them go flying.
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I don’t know why but every time I say Continuum, I want to say it in the rhythm of the Activia commercial. Con-tin-uum! Hopefully you’ll get it stuck in your head the same way I have. P.S. Your welcome! “Matter of Time” wasn’t a very thrilling episode because it spent most of its time setting up plot that will hopefully be important later. One thing that would help these slow episodes along is some freaking humor. It doesn’t have to be a giggle fest, just a joke here or there is all I’m asking for. Kiera is very dry. So dry she’ll make your skin crack just looking at her. I’m hoping that lightening up is part of her overall journey, so that one day she might crack a joke and a smile.
And here’s a Community recap from my AFC co-conspirator, Alex!
Community‘s back with a vengeance, despite some network interference and behind-the-scenes reorganization. The beloved cult darling’s fourth season descended from the heavens like a mighty bolt of lightning. The question is: did that bolt strike true, or ’twas it a heartless spark?
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Stallon is my idol since i’m in my childhood days.. I really like watch rambo!!!