Sometimes we forget that behind a lot of the creatures we see in a film, there is a living, breathing actor working in these suits in order to bring them to life. Brian Steele is one of these actors. Steele is nicknamed CreatureBoy for a good reason! You may not recognize his face, and that’s because he is always in costume bringing some of the best creatures to life in several of my favorite movies. He was the Berserker Predator and the Falconer Predator (the super predators) in Predators. He was Sammael in Hellboy, Mr. Wink in Hellboy II, and T-600 performer in Terminator: Salvation. He also took the form of creatures in other films like Resident Evil: Extinction, Underworld, and Blade: Trinity. Oh, and I can’t forget that Brian Steele also played the lovable Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. So I was thrilled when I saw that he had a booth at Wizard World Austin and was willing to take some time to talk to me.
AFC: You’ve played many creatures, critters, and monsters. What attracts you to these sort of roles?
Steele: I’m drawn to these roles because of the challenge of bringing them to life. Being able to work with the talented artist that dream these characters up, design and then fabricate them is the greatest career ever! I absolutely love working in a team environment. Contributing during the design phase, rehearsing to discover the character, working with the skilled puppeteers…I just cannot say enough about how much I’m drawn to every aspect of Creature work.
AFC: Of all the creature suits you’ve worn, which suits were the most difficult to move and act in?
Steele: I wouldn’t use the word difficult ever but, the most challenging would be Mr. Wink from Hellboy 2. He was enormous! I was up on 7 inch lifts, the suit weighed over 130lbs. It took a team of 3 puppeteers also to complete the performance of facial movement and his articulated fist. I trained for three months prior to the first day of shooting to prepare for this role. So challenging but, it was the most rewarding. Mr. Wink was a huge success in what is capable in a fabricated suit. Much respect for the artists at Spectral Motion for all the hard work they completed to make this suit possible! Awesome job!

Brian Steele as Mr. Wink
AFC: Which creature suit took the longest to put on/take off?
Steele: The Drake Beast from Blade: Trinity took on average 3.5 hours to apply. Another hour or so to finish getting into the suit, get glued into the hands and wardrobe.
AFC: Creature makeup is a notoriously lengthy process. What do you do to help pass the time while sitting in a makeup chair? Any special Zen techniques to pass along?
Steele: Haha, no Zen techniques. It’s odd to say but the process itself relaxes me. Hanging out with good friends, listening to music and joking about. I’m generally being told to settle down. If I have to find a quiet moment, I assemble and disassemble car motors in my head. Being from outside Detroit, I’m a huge Motor City Hot Rod nut and this helps pass the time away.
AFC: What were the filming conditions like for Predators? Were you on location somewhere or was it mostly green screen? How did the suit affect your work?
Steele: I didn’t do any green screen during the filming of Predators. The Berserker and Falconer Predators I portrayed were all practical shots on set in Austin, Texas. The filming was in perfect conditions until we came back from the Christmas break. We finished up the last week of shooting in one of the coldest weeks ever there. I think it got down to 6 degrees one night. All I remember is my Predator Helmet freezing over and the liquid being sprayed on the suit to give it shimmer continually freezing. Even in these harsh conditions, the suit was fantastic to perform in. It continually got the snot beat out of it and was ready for more. It’s not difficult to get amped up to play “the badass of the galaxy.”
AFC: Any funny stories to share about wandering movie sets in a terrifying creature costume?
Steele: While working on Hellboy 2, all the characters got a chance to sing “Can’t Smile Without You.” This was going to be shown on either the end credits or the DVD. Well, singing this as the Fragglewump was just hilarious. Fraggies’ head bobbing about, arms swinging from side to side and just a big ole toothy grin. Wish I could see that footage!
AFC: What are some of your favorite movies?
Steele: That’s simple…so I don’t forget any…any movie that has creatures, monsters, critters or things that go bump in the night…
AFC: Where all can your fans find you on the internet?
Steele: Please stop by and say “Hi” to me at my website or Facebook Thanks for taking an interest.
And thank you for your valuable time, Brian Steele! You have done some awesome work!
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