Normally I’m not one to just randomly post pictures from events I wasn’t at, but this picture 1: has some of my favorite guys in the world and 2: is hilarious and must be shared with the world. Enjoy!
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Awesomeness!! I can’t argue with Terry Crews about removing his shirt – he looks FANTASTIC! Now if Jason would just follow his example . . . .
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That’s hysterical, especially the reactive laughter from the rest of the guys! I would expect nothing less than that from U.S. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!
This is epic. That is all there is to it. I’m pretty sure Crews just turned into the Hulk right before our eyes. And Jason snickered the whole way through in true Brit style.
Hilarious! The facial expressions of the other three are priceless! haha