Skynet became self-aware a few weeks ago, the CDC released its zombie prep guide this week, and some people expect a pre-apocalypse today.
bobgoodall2: Got my stuff ready kiddo.. LOL!!! I would not worry about it, but a good thing to do in a survival situation is to stock water, lots of itCoolPolarBear: “@ActionChick How many of you are getting your looting gear ready?” Ready to rock! Just need some ammo for my Red Ryder! #shootyoureyeout;0)crey_zee: @geekyjessica remember a couple boxes of matches & an old sheet. all you need then is an abandoned bottle shop to siege from!deezeegirl: I call dibs on all the candy!!! :pgeekyjessica: Me ,me!! I’m going for crossbows and protein bars.LordComet: Lets see Grappling gun check…car check…new place to store stuff check…ya it seems i am ready ^_^ addtionally my bio-booster armor is also ready (guyver suit) ^_^LordComet: Also don’t forget your power coins….its morphing timeME_Leclerc1776: RT @ActionChick: How many of you are getting your looting gear ready?/LMAOMortmer39: I’ve been ready since 5amOrlDivaRealtor: @geekyjessica @actionchick that is a great idea. I declare thee ‘National Rapture shopping day’ Everything must go! For free!Pegaso_Saint: getting Angel hunting gear readyShadowbat: I’m getting this for the Zompocalypse Not me, I’m getting my weapons ready for the zombies. Gotta stay ahead of the game.StephenMonk1970: do I have to wear the best outfit I have or can I wait and loot a nice top hat and tails?Tekknight: @geekyjessica Im getting my Home Defense gear ready… gonna be lotsa crazy roaming about. Possibly mindless zobmie-like peopleTweek_Robles: Your Honor…I thought the Game & Movie Stop were all mine! How was I to know the owners weren’t Raptured!? LOLTweek_Robles: In case I wake to a Zombie Apocalypse I got my Crossbow, Machete & Kevlar pants & long sleeve shirt (ppl that get bit are stupid) next 2 me!warrenmc71: need to get your gear “together”? Amatuer!WerewolfalThor: Still surprised that I’m not being hunted by T-400’s or zombies or raptures… Those that have been raptured…

ActionChick: Zombie Apocalypse, see Max Brooks. Killer Robots, see @GrantImahara. Giant Slugs, see Morton Salt Girl.
BassGJJRay: I love you nerds.. but you’re all focused on the wrong thing, it won’t be zombies, it’ll be lost zealotsbobgoodall2: @grantimahara Zombie Apocalypse got you down? Here’s how Bob Goodall deals with it.. max brooks world war z rocks ! And day by day armageden jl bourne excellentgrantimahara: @ActionChick Ha! Awesome…law_ender: I suspect @GrantImahara would be on the robots’ side…PriscyDXVI: “@ActionChick: Zombie Apocalypse, see Max Brooks. Killer Robots, see @GrantImahara. Giant Slugs, see Morton Salt Girl.” I love everything!!serenafreewomyn: To the point!
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